SPecialised Education programmes in CybersecuriTy and Robotics (SPECTRO) will focus on the design and delivery of two double-degree master’s programmes (ISCED Level 7, 120 ECTS) and self-standing learning modules in two key digital technology areas for the future of Europe:
- Cybersecurity
- Robotics
The two specialised master’s programmes, which will also include a minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, will be designed and delivered by a consortium consisting of 12 higher education institutions from 7 different countries, 2 innovative SMEs, 1 leading research centre in Information Systems and EIT Digital, a pan-European organisation with in-depth knowledge and experience in the digital skills domain.
Find out more about our Master School SPECTRO programmes:
SPECTRO provides eligible students the financial support to take part to the education programmes and offers scholarship programmes to promote diversity in terms of gender, age, social and economic background. SPECTRO’s scholarships allow the greatest number to have access to high-quality education in digital areas and increase diversity among students and future digital experts.
The students awarded a scholarship will be financially supported during their two years of studies in one of the double-degree in Masters’ programmes offered by SPECTRO.
Types of scholarships available
Three types of scholarships are available:
- scholarship of excellence, including a full tuition fee waivers and a monthly allowance,
- full tuition fee waivers,
- half tuition fee waivers.
The monthly allowance will be weighted based on the country correction coefficient (CCCs) of the country where a student is studying. Thus, the monthly allowance provided to a student it can vary between the first and second year of studies.
How to apply
To apply to a SPECTRO scholarship, candidates must enrol into one of SPECTRO two master’s programmes via the EIT Digital Master School Application portal.
Eligibility requirements
SPECTRO scholarships are available to nationals or residents of one of the eligible countries:
- EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs))
- Listed EEA countries and countries associated to the Digital Europe Programme (associated countries) or countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature
Only students enrolled and accepted in one of SPECTRO Masters’ programme are eligible to financial support. When receiving their letter of acceptance and study offer, students will be notified of their scholarship allocation.
Selection criteria
The scholarships will award applicants based on merit. To quantify merit, a merit score (on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the maximum) will be given to each applicant accepted to one of the master’s programmes. Three elements will be considered in assigning a merit score:
- previous academic and professional experience of an applicant,
- curriculum vitae, and
- letter of motivation, which also includes the motivation for an applicant to receive financial support.
The initial merit score value will be an average of the two merit scores assigned by the two Local Programme Coordinators accepting an applicant (the Local Coordinator at the Entry University and the Local Coordinator at the Exit University). The merit scores assigned by Local Programme Coordinators will be reviewed by Programme Leaders to ensure uniformity between the scores given by Local Programme Coordinators from different universities and different countries. A final meeting including the Programme Leaders, all Local Programme Coordinators and the Quality Assurance Manager of the SPECTRO project will be set at the end of each Recruitment Period to agree and deliberate on the final merit score of each applicant.
Promotion of diversity in terms of gender, social and economic background
The SPECTRO scholarship programme will thrive to promote diversity and inclusion through its scholarship opportunities:
- Priority will be given to female applicants from any EU country or EU-associated country. The scholarship programme for women will aim increase female participation in master’s programmes in Cybersecurity and Robotics.
- Priority will be given to applicants from RIS countries - included in the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS). The scholarship programme for participants from RIS countries is aimed to support the participation of students from countries with moderate or modest innovation score and with lower gross domestic product. Countries eligible to take part to the RIS include 1) EU members states, 2) Horizon Europe associated countries, and 3) outermost regions such as Guadeloupe, and Réunion (France), the Azores and Madeira (Portugal), and the Canary Islands (Spain).
Payment arrangements
The scholarship is reflected as a discount in the tuition fee. The candidates are informed of the net amount of the tuition fee, after deducting the applicable amount of the scholarship.
- half tuition fee waivers: the nominal value of the granted scholarship is of 2,500EUR per year
- full tuition fee waivers: the nominal value of the granted scholarship is of 5,000EUR per year
- scholarship of excellence, including a full tuition fee waivers and a monthly allowance: the nominal value of the granted scholarship is of 5,000EUR plus a monthly allowance of 900 EUR weighted based on the country correction coefficient (CCCs) of the country where a student is studying.
Number of scholarships available
Scholarships will be allocated on a rolling basis, until all financial support schemes are exhausted for the current recruitment cycle. With this call SPECTRO will make available 62 scholarships (including excellence, full waiver and half-waiver) to be distributed among the two Master’s programmes.
Previous year's scholarships
For its inaugural intake in the 2024/25 academic year (Cycle 1), SPECTRO opened applications in November 2023 and closed them in May 2024. The application process was divided into three periods:
- Period 1: November 1, 2023 – February 10, 2024
- Period 2: February 11, 2024 – April 14, 2024
- Period 3: April 15, 2024 – May 22, 2024
Study offers are typically issued one month after the end of each application period. Scholarship awards are communicated to students at the time of their study offer.
The application, evaluation, and scholarship allocation process strictly adhered to the ‘Scholarships’ section outlined above.
Master's in Robotics - scholarship distribution
A total of 23 scholarships were allocated to Robotics students:
- 6 half-waiver scholarships
- 9 full-waiver scholarships
- 8 scholarships of excellence
20% of scholarships were allocated to female students.
16% of scholarships were allocated to RIS-Countries students.
Master's in Cybersecurity - scholarship distribution
A total of 20 scholarships were allocated to Cybersecurity students:
- 3 half-waiver scholarships
- 10 full-waiver scholarships
- 7 scholarships of excellence
24% of scholarships were allocated to female students.
52% of scholarships were allocated to RIS-Countries students.