Events Archive

The first Budapest Meteor meetup will be organized and hosted in the EIT ICT Labs Budapest CLC (1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy utca 10/a) on 6th November 17:30-20:30. There will be an introduction to the Meteor framework, some demos, and a short coding contest. The event is initiated by one of our Master School students.

Meteor is a new open-source platform for building web and mobile applications. It helps to develop high-quality real-time applications in much shorter time than with other frameworks. It improves development efficiency by several means: first of all it provides automatic data synchronization between the clients, the server and the database, so developers do not need to synchronize data manually. Further it uses the same language (JavaScript) on the client and the server side with the same APIs, making it easier to develop the client and the server at the same time or to exchange code between them. Also its growing package database provides drop-in integrations with many libraries and services.

If you want to know more about Meteor or try it in action, join us on Thursday. Please register for the event on following link:

EIT ICT Labs’ MSc and PhD students are encouraged to organise events in the Budapest CLC which are related to their studies or help them to start their professional life.

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