Events Archive

When: Wednesday 23 November, 12:00 am to  Thursday 24 November 2:00 pm

Where: Saarbrücken DFKI (Barwise & Leibnitz)


Who: All interested parties, especially encouraged are the members of the 11801 activity

Register: Please contact the activity leader Dominikus Heckmann ( for further information and registration.

Food: lunch, refreshments, dinner, refreshments, lunch

Focus: primarily research-oriented, Thematic Action Line Digital Cities

Preliminary Topics: feel free to submit more topics to be discussed


Preliminary Agenda

Wednesday  DFKI, Room Barwise

12:00 -12:30 Get together at DFKI, install WiFi, etc.

Lunch  (Schlemmer Eule)

14:00 – 15:30 Session 1: (open)

Short Welcome & Overview (Dominikus Heckmann, Activity Leader)

Talk by Christian Müller (Presentation of TIMS)

Talk by Natalia Stash: Semantic Recommender for Outdoor Audio Tour Guides

Talk by Matthias Böhmer: Mobile Recommender Systems

Coffee Break

16:00 – 17:30 Session 2: (Activity 11801 Tasks)

Talk by Dominikus Heckman: The idea of smart match making in the digital city

Presentation Andreas Mohr: MoveYaa  ANDROID APP

Presentation of the Living Lab App Johannes & Kai-Dominik

Brainstorming & Ideas for further work on our tasks

transfer to hotels & town

18:30 Dinner: Le Noir ( )


Thursday, DFKI Room Leibnitz


10:00 Session 3: (towards new proposals)

Get together at DFKI Room Leibnitz, croissants.

Introduction (Match Making Session) Dominikus Heckmann

Presentation by Petteri Nurmi: Mobile Systems

Presentation by Dominikus Heckmann: Distributed User Modeling

Profile Presentation by NN

Short Project Presentation by Natalia Stash,

11:00 – 12:00 Brainstorming time for new proposal sketches

Wrap up

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch: Schlemmer Eule


Helpful information

Location: the workshop will take place at DFKI, Saarbrücken,

Here some links to recommended hotels:

You are welcome!

Remark: If you also plan to attend the “Intelligent Mobility and Transportation Action Line Workshop” on November 25th in Berlin: we can offer a free transfer to the airport Saarbrücken. A direct flight from Saarbrücken to Berlin is often available for around 119€).

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Co-Funded by the European Union