Events Archive

5G update and panels on transformation of industry & society at Johannesberg Summit

The Johannesberg summit is the meeting place for research leaders in Wireless and Mobile ICT taking place north of Stockholm on May 9-11 2016.

The summit is an annual forum, organised by Wireless@KTH, Ericsson, KTH and EIT Digital, to discuss how Wireless ICT is transforming business and society. Interesting talks by industry leaders and leading academics are mixed with panel discussions with a broad perspective on technologies, services, business and policy models that may have an impact in the long-range evolution of society and various industries.

The topics have over the years highlighted future user behavior and requirements, novel services and applications, new business models as well as policy and regulation. The general topics have been complemented with visions on how wireless technologies and architectures can handle these needs and demands. The 2016 summit has 4 key topic areas:

  • The transformation of the transport industry
  • The transformation of the manufacturing industry (“Industry 4.0”)
  • Future key technologies
  • Update on 5G year

The program features speakers from both academia and industry, among them many EIT Digital partner organisations such as KTH, Ericsson, TU München, Vodaphone and Nokia.

Speakers are encouraged to present their views on emerging trends and speculate on long-term developments - talks that are aimed at sparking stimulating discussions.

See the detailed program here and watch the live stream from the sessions on May 10-11:

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Co-Funded by the European Union