Events Archive

On October 15th, EIT ICT Labs welcomes UX experts to a special Founders’ Pit Stop on Usability. The topic of the #USB1410 will be ‚Icon Usability‘. The following experts will talk about their experiences and give hands-on advice:

  • "Icon Usability - An Overview" - Anne Irrgang 
  • "Testing Icons with Users. About an Online Tool to Assure Quality.“ - Björn Balazs, User Prompt
  • "Icons for mobile apps" - Melinda Albert, Freelancing Designer

Icons are all around us, telling us how fast we should drive, where the emergency exit is, when we have email and where to find a site’s navigation. There are plenty of icon options available. The challenge is how to identify the "right" icon for a specific purpose. Can we distinguish between bad and good icons? Can we measure the usability of icons and how? We'll try to give answers to those and others questions.

All UX specialists are invited to beer and drinks afterwards.


Start: 7pm

EIT ICT Labs Berlin Node
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7 | 6th floor
10587 Berlin (Germany)

Please register at: 

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Co-Funded by the European Union