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ORDER MATTERS! HARNESSING A WORLD OF ORDERINGS FOR REASONING OVER MASSIVE DATA:  Emanuele della Valle, Milan Polytechnic, will be giving a seminar at the Trento CLC. The topic addressed is relevant to areas like Smart Spaces and Digital Cities. The talk is part of a Big Data Seminar Series organised by Trento Rise.

Date: 06.11.2012 (12:30-13:30)
Location: Via Sommarive 18 - Northern Building - 1st floor

Abstract: More and more applications require real-time processing of massive, dynamically generated, ordered data; order is an essential factor as it reflects recency or relevance. Semantic technologies risk being unable to meet the needs of such applications, as they are not equipped with the appropriate instruments for answering queries over massive, highly dynamic, ordered data sets. This talk argues that some order-aware data management techniques should be exported to the context of semantic technologies, by integrating ordering with reasoning, and by using methods which are inspired by stream and rank-aware data management. This talk systematically explores the problem space, and points both to problems which have been successfully approached and to problems which still need fundamental research, in an attempt to stimulate and guide a paradigm shift in semantic technologies.

Bio of the Speaker: Emanuele Della Valle is assistant professor of Software Project Management at DEI - Politecnico di Milano. His research interests are focused on: Semantic Web, Web Services and, more recently on Stream Management Systems. He started the CEFRIEL’s Semantic Web Practice in 2001 and he coordinated the group until June 2008. He is co-author of the first book in Italian about Semantic Web. From 2006 to 2008, he was Scientific Manager of the SEEMP FP6 project and the Project Coordinator of the Service-Finder FP7 project. He lead the activity about streams and smart cities in the LarKC FP7 project. He won in 2011 the AI mashup Challenge with Traffic LarKC and the Semantic Web Challenge with Bottari Android application.

 For more information: Sandro Battisti 

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