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Speaker: Prof. Alessandro Mantelero
Affiliation: Politecnico di Torino
Date: 29.01.2013 (12:30 – 13:30)
Location: EIT ICT Labs, Via Sommarive 18 - Northern Building - 1st floor, Povo-Trento.
The creation of large data sets, the availability of technological skills to manage them and the possibility to extract hidden information from data-sets for predictive purposes, have relevant implications on data protection that should be deeply analyzed and discussed. The nature of the technical solutions that have been adopted (cloud computing, data farms, telecommunication networks) leads to analyze these implications from a transnational perspective. In this sense, we consider the aspects related to applicable law, the impact of local regulations on data protection, the risks of influence and intrusion of local government agencies. From a micro point of view, different aspects assume importance: the nature of the data (personal data, de-identified information, anonymous data), the consistency with the purposes of the data collection, the right to be forgotten, the updating of the information, the task distribution between the bodies involved in the processing. The analysis of all these issues is conducted by adopting an approach that emphasizes the role assumed by technological remedies and by-design solutions in providing an adequate level of data protection.
Alessandro Mantelero is Professor of Private Law at Politecnico di Torino and Faculty Fellow at Nexa Center for Internet and Society. He graduated cum laude in Law at the University of Turin on 1998. Ph.D. in Civil Law from the same University. He is author of numerous publications and is currently focusing his studies on data protection, ISP liability and legal implications of cloud computing and big data. He is involved in different national and international research programs (Open museum and disabilities, Network of Excellence in Internet Science, Cloud Computing Governance Initiative, Identity Talk in the Tower). In 2012, he was Visiting Researcher at Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.
Contact person: Sandro Battisti

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