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Giovanni Tummarello, FBK, will be giving a seminar at the Trento CLC of the EIT ICT Labs. The talks is part of the Big Data Seminar Series organised by Trento RISE.

Date: 15.01.2012 (12:30-13:30)
Location: EIT ICT Labs, Via Sommarive 18 - Northern Building - 1st floor

Knowledge is a valuable commodity, and using or repurposing it the right way can help a company improve efficiency or even create new products and services. Some industries, such as healthcare, pharmaceutical and scientific and technical publishing, deal with highly variable data, and it can be a challenge to integrate new sources of information.  In this talk i will present the efforts to combine  ‘big data’ techniques (Hadoop/NoSQL) with semantic web based data integration technologies on private or public cloud platforms. I will give an introduction to the CloudSpace framework to do big data semantic processing in the cloud. CloudSpace is inspired by and currently in trial at notable locations including major Pharmaceutical and Editorial companies.
Giovanni Tummarello, Ph.D, is a Research Fellow holding a joint position coordinating Web of Data activities at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Galway and at the FBK institute, Trento, Italy. He has a background in computer science and computational intelligence and is well known for many all-round, award winning Semantic Web projects such as the DBin Semantic platform, Semantic Web Pipes, the semantic Sitemap Extension but most of all he has been the coordinator of the efforts behind the Sindice Semantic Web Search Engine and semantic aggregated search engine.
Contact Person: Sandro Battisti 

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Co-Funded by the European Union