Events Archive


Speaker: Jovanka Adzic
Affiliation: Telecom Italia 
Date: 12.03.2013 (12:30 – 13:30)
Location: EIT ICT Labs, Via Sommarive 18 - Northern Building - 1st floor, Povo-Trento.

TELCO operator always manage huge amount of mainly structured data (CDRs, IPDRs, SDRs) for their operational activities such as Network Mgmt., Billing, CRM, Legal Interception,…). I will give an introduction to TELCO Use Cases with BIG DATA Analytics, realized in order to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs/losses or create new opportunities for the existing customer base (Analytical CRM, Targeted Adv,..). I will particularly introduce  RT or Near-RT Monitoring & Analytics for Fraud Detection to reduce financial losses caused by stolen traffic or analytics for  Churn Prevention to identify best customer offer/action to reduce churn. Eventually I will conclude with some consideration on “choosing the right solutions” for enterprises regarding particular ‘big data’ techniques (Hadoop/NoSQL).

Jovanka Adzic, Technical and Project Leader @Telecom Italia R&D, Turin, Italy (since 1995), has been involved in many internal R&D projects related to User Profiling, Churn Analysis, Revenue Assurance, Network Traffic Profiling. Project Leader, Data Warehouse and Data Analysis Architect of internally developed advanced solution for Fraud Detection, Analysis and Management based on OLAP, Data Mining and Near RT Data Warehousing. She has been representing Telecom Italia in NEM (Networked & Electronic Media) European Technology Platform Steering Board. Member of Editorial Team of NEM SRA Strategic Research Agenda and Programme Committee member @ NEM Summit (2010, 2011 and 2012).

Big Data Seminar Series is a set of multi-disciplinary seminars around the subject of Big Data. The series of seminars are organised twice a month by the Big Data Group of Trento RISE in collaboration with EIT ICT Labs.

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Contact: Sandro Battisti

Following the decision taken by the Managemet Committee in February, Big Data aspects will be addressed in a number of Action Lines within the EIT ICT LABS, like Digital Cities, Health and Well Being, Smart Energy.

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Co-Funded by the European Union