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EIT ICT Labs Budapest APG jointly with MAVE, the founding member of the NGO Electrical Engineering Students’ European Association (EESTEC) organises a workshop from 23 to 27 of March in Budapest. The goal of this five days event is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge on Ethical Hacking for engineering and IT students, and offer opportunity for the EIT ICT Labs Master School’s students studying in Budapest to get a deeper knowledge in this field.

Approximately 100 Hungarian electrical engineering and IT students and 10 international students from other EESTEC Local Committees are expected to the event. The programs will take place at four different institutions for higher education in Budapest, including Eötvös Loránd University and Budapest University of Technology and Economy.

In the framework of the Ethical Hacking workshop, the EIT ICT Labs Budapest CLC will host those workshops which are dedicated only for the EESTEC international participants and the EIT ICT Labs Master School S&P students.

Date: 25-26 March 2015
Location: Budapest CLC

In these days, due to the huge leap regarding the evolution of technology, the Internet has become accessible for anyone. By the wide spreading of social networks, new trends and habits have evolved with less and less attention paid to the security of our own values, namely our personal data. Meanwhile, the back-end solutions are getting more and more complex in order to satisfy the growing needs of users, protecting complex systems requires more attention from service providers regarding the system maintenance. As it is known, the more extended the system, the greater the chance is to make a mistake enabling a third party individual to take advantage of the system in an unwanted way.

During the event participants will learn about the various areas of IT security. In the morning sessions theoretical lessons will be given, and in the afternoon participants will have a chance to put their newly gained knowledge into practice by testing their skills in test environment dedicated on purpose to this task. These sessions will also include various competitions, groups will take part in wargame, computer-forensic exercises and other tasks related to Ethical hacking.

The workshop is free of charge but registration is needed.

As EIT ICT Labs Master School students will have the opportunity to participate in dedicated sessions as well, they are kindly asked to register here.

The evenings social activity will be organised for the participants to network and also to get more familiar with Budapest. The event is co-organised by Balabit IT Security, NetAcademia and Simonyi Károly College for Advanced Studies.
The Facebook event of the workshop can be found here

More information about the event and detailed agenda can be found here at the organiser’s website.

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Co-Funded by the European Union