Events Archive

Budapest CLC will host an event organised by the Junior Members of ÉrMe on introducing successful startups through case studies like CashbackCloud, GOT IT! and KONZI. Through this cooperation with ÉrME, which is a Club for Christian Businessmen and Entrepreneurs in Hungary the awareness of the EIT ICT Labs brand can spread among young entrepreneurs.

Date: 3 March 2015, 6pm-9pm

Location: Budapest CLC

EIT ICT Labs Budapest Associate Partner Group

H-1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy Street 10/a (Hungary)

During the event, the BAPG’s activities and results will be presented to the participants, and also EIT ICT Labs’ master and doctoral program will be introduced. The event is announced for the Junior Members of ÉrMe, but EIT ICT Labs students and colleagues are also encouraged to attend.

Further information about the association:

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Co-Funded by the European Union