Events Archive

We will present success stories of technologies and explain different tools offered to accelerate open innovation. A set of large companies will have room to present technical business challenges they are interested in to solve with EIT ICT Labs partnership.

Furthermore, we will learn how your talents, technologies and customers can benefit of our Business Development Program and provide you with a unique occasion to meet your counterparts at other leading European companies within our network and to strengthen your connections around open innovation.

EITC ICT Labs’ target is to detect and transform the huge amount of unused treasures in R&D project results in economic activities. The technologies and businesses discussed will be structured around the EIT ICT Labs’ action lines themes.


This innovation oriented and partnership driven summit will take place January 31 in the Co-Location Centre in Berlin (Germany).


We will start at 09:00 hrs with a welcome speech by Willem Jonker (CEO of EIT ICT Labs). 

After an introduction by Klaus Beetz (Business Director, EIT ICT Labs), we will proceed with analysing six success stories and presenting three challenges. During lunch, a poster sesssion will take place. 

After wrapping up, the progamme will end at 17:00 hrs.


We have closed registration for this event. 

Directions and other information

Recommendations in terms of hotel and arrival.

Live Stream

We are live broadcasting the conference for you. If you want to follow this event, please revert to Hanneke Riedijk (in order to obtain the password for the livestream). 

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Co-Funded by the European Union