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Welcome to the Doctoral Summer School July 22–26 in Paris! 

The Doctoral Summer School gives you the chance to lead a small manufacturing company in a business simulation game. In the simulation you will need to fulfill a variety of objectives. While defining greater goals for your organization, you'll experience how to reconcile objectives and find compromises. Business simulations offer an integrated experience of several issues that organizations face:

They make it possible for participants to explore the coherence required between various approaches that need to be integrated and driven by the goals of the organization.

The exercise is conducted in small size teams: each team represents a company. The companies are competing with one another. The participants work as the top management of the companies and will have to make several collective decisions for a series of periods.

The simulation and the various activities organized around it will be conducted in limited time as well as without full information. This will offer each participant an opportunity to reflect on his/her approach to such constrained resources and explore solutions that are relevant in management and business administration.

You will be part of a team and each team will have to set a strategy and manage operations. Resources are provided to all companies at the beginning of the simulation, the management teams will then have different options to select.

You will learn how to:

  • practice and improve oral communication skills,
  • experience, test and learn how to make decision and compromises when you are facing dilemmas,
  • explore the difficulties of group dynamics and leadership,
  • reflect on your approach to constrained resources and explore solutions that are relevant in management and business administration.

Each day will be split between collective session and teamwork; we will debrief every exercise and set intermediary objectives in order to help participants prioritize their efforts. We will introduce specific concepts and tools and analyze how to implement them. Beyond the business activities, we will also work on group dynamics and leadership.

Apply before July 10th by email to

Venue: UPMC – ISUP – 4 th floor – room 5, 23 avenue d’Italie, 75013 Paris

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Co-Funded by the European Union