Events Archive

The SICS Software Week is organized in partnership with EIT ICT Labs. The program has three themes – a Multicore Day, a Cloud and Big Data Day and an Internet of Sports Day. Check the SICS website more details on program, venue and registration.

Sept 23 Multicore Day

Multicore Day in Kista is well established as the most important annual Swedish events within the multicore area. Multicore Day gathers Swedish and international experts from industry and academia to answer the question: How can we meet the challenge of exploiting multi- and many core processors in servers, personal computers and embedded systems? What is new in the area, where are we heading? 

Confirmed keynote speakers include:

Professor Keshav Pingali, University of Texas at Austin
Krisztián Flautner, VP of Research and Development at ARM
Jason Mars, University of Michigan
Professor Per Stenström, Chalmers University of Technology
Jan Kasper Martinsen, Blekinge Institute of Technology
Jörn Jannek, Lund University
Lars Karlsson, Umeå University
Program Chair: Karl Filip Faxén, SICS Swedish ICT

Sept 24 Cloud and Big Data day
Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics is a game changer for industry and academia. We intend to capture the current understanding and experiences from using cloud computing today - and sharing the ideas on how this rapidly expanding area will evolve.

Cloud and Big Data Day will feature leading international and Swedish experts from industry and academia, who present the cutting edge of cloud computing technologies. The intended audience is professionals in IT and its applications for all areas in industry and academia.

Confirmed keynote speakers include:
Professor Volker Markl, Chair of Database Systems and Information Management (DIMA) group at TU-Berlin
Fabian Alenius, Product Owner of the Analytical Computation Squad at Spotify
Staffan Truve, CTO of Recorded Future
Matei Zaharia, UC Berkeley
Professor Mattias Ellert, eSSENCE and Uppsala University
Vinay Joosery, SeveralninesProgram Chair: Per Brand, SICS Swedish ICT

Sept 25 Internet of Sports day

On September 25th you will have a unique opportunity to explore the future in the field of ICT and Sports. What will happen when digitalization and sensors will be everywhere – in all the skiing tracks? Meet leading researchers, innovators, coaches and active athletes who will share their views. 

Confirmed keynote speakers include:• Hans Christer Holmberg, Professor, Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre, Mid • Christer Norström, CEO, SICS• Lars Selin, Ski Team Sweden• Peter Ljungstrand, Studio Director och Senior Researcher, Interactive Institute Göteborg.• Anders Holst, docent, SICS• Lars Ljung, SOC (Swedish Olympic Committee) Program Chair: Magnus Jonsson, Interactive Institute Swedish ICT

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