Events Archive

Dates: 3-7 June, 2013
Venue: Open Innovation House, Otaniementie 19 B, 02150 Espoo, Finland 

The Cloud Computing Summer School organised by Aalto University aims to provide the participants an overview on state-of-the-art cloud computing technologies and an introduction to entrepreneurship and business model design. Lecturers will come both from academia and industry. We will even make a visit to a data center. During the week the students will conduct a group work on cloud computing related service innovations. The student earns 4 ECTS. 


Overview of the Programme

The Summer School gives an insight into the cloud computing technologies, use cases, entrepreneurship issues and business opportunities. The Summer School consists of six elements: 1) a poster presentation on the participants’ own cloud computing research results or ideas 2) lectures on state-of-the-art cloud computing technologies 3) lectures on business model design, innovation and entrepreneurship 4) visit to a data center (if possible) 5) group works with the target to plan service innovation ideas 6) a four-page learning diary submitted by the end of July 2013.  

Read more from the Aalto University website 

Who can apply? 

The Summer School is open to all master and doctoral students. The only prerequisity is a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent knowledge in Computer Science or a related field. 

Accommodation and travel

Accommodation in shared two person rooms will be arranged for you. If you prefer to stay in a single room you will need to pay the difference yourself. In the registration form you can choose your date of arrival and departure and we will make bookings accordingly. Travel you should take care of by yourself. 

Please note that the accommodation and food is free of charge for those students coming from the EIT ICT Labs partner universities. Others pay these themselves. 

Registration is now closed

The last day for registration was 1 May, 2013.

Your registration is binding. We have place for 35 students. The priority is given to students with cloud computing related research and business ideas and a balanced group consisting of participants from the EIT ICT Labs partner organizations.

After filling in the registration form, please, send a motivation letter together with a transcript of your studies by email to Satu Jääskeläinen

The applicants will be informed on the selection decisions by the 13th of May, 2013 by email. The selected applicants must confirm their participation by emailing to by the 20th of May.

Some applicants may be out on a reserve list and in case of cancellations, they will be informed by the May 31st, if they are admitted.

In case of a cofirmed cancellation (after May the 27th), the students are obliged to provide a doctor’s statement. Otherwise a cancellation fee will be required.


Please contact Satu Jääskeläinen, Aalto University. 


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Co-Funded by the European Union