Events Archive

on November 29th afternoon and 30th all-day


Dowload program (see file below).


Using the cloud for the Digital Cities

The workshop dedicated to the activity Connected Cities, in the Digital Cities action line, will take place in Paris on November 29-30 from 2:15 pm on the 29th and until 6:00 pm on the 30th, at the UPMC premises (building "Esclangon", 4 place Jussieu) This workshop is coupled with the IEEE/IFIP NoF conference (Network of the Future) that will start on the 28th. Contact person is Mrs Aziza Lounis

During this workshop, there will be three different sessions:
1)  Research papers (Nov.29 and 30)
2)  Experimentation (Nov. 30 in the morning)
3)  Preparation of proposal for the FP7 call 8 (Nov.30 in the afternoon)

Two kinds of papers can be submitted for this workhop: papers that will be reviewed and included in the IEEE XPlore proceeding of the NoF conference that will be presented on the first afternoon and classical workshop papers that are not reviewed and that will be presented on the 30th.

For the workshop only the name of the author and a title is necessary. We would like to recieve proposals by October 15th to be able to prepare the final program.

For an IEEE XPlore publication, the full paper has to be submitted by October 15. The paper will in any case be presented either in the Conference/workshop space or in the workshop space.

Results for IEEE acceptation should be known by the end of September.
Submissions should be sent to
Chairs: Khaldoun Al Agha, Guy Pujolle and Djamal Zeghlache

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Co-Funded by the European Union