Events Archive

Dates: 8-12 July, 2013
Venue: Grenoble University, France 

The first Cyber-Physical Systems Summer School will explore the manifold relationship between networked embedded systems and humans as their creators, users, and subjects. The format of the Summer School will be a five day meeting, organized around different aspects of rigorous engineering of Cyber Physical Systems. Courses will be given in English by experts from industry and academia working in various fields of CPS. The Summer School is organised by EIT ICT Labs together with PERSYVAL-Lab. 


The goal of the summer school is to survey fundamental and applied aspects of CPS and their relationship to humans, as well as to identify novel opportunities and research directions in these areas through a series of lectures by international experts. Participants will also experience the relevant technologies during hands-on courses and be given a chance to present their own work. The school will provide a great opportunity to know other people working in the field, to meet distinguished scholars, and to establish contacts that may lead to research collaborations in the future.

More information on the CPS Summer School programme, venue and hotels

Who can attend? 

The target audience ranges from Ph.D. students working in a field related to CPS to Master and engineering students in embedded systems, control systems, networked control systems, wireless, computer science. Researchers and engineers from companies are welcome, and may greatly benefit from the broad vision provided by this Summer School.

Since attendance is limited to 80, priority will be given to students from EIT ICT Labs partner universities and the staff from partner companies.

Application Procedure and Important Dates

The registration fee to the CPS Summer-School is 350 Euros for students and 500 Euros for academics and people from industry. EIT ICT Labs students can apply for a grant. 

The application procedure is as follows:

  1. Applicants declare their intention to apply by registering at before May 1, 2013. The application should comprise a resume and contact information.
  2. The organization committee provides a response to applicants before May 10, 2013
  3. Applicants proceed with online registration and fee payment  before May 20, 2013.

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Co-Funded by the European Union