Events Archive

The summer school on Cyber Physical Systems will take place from June 30th till July 11th in Trento, Italy.

The summer school on Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) will focus on ways of applying the currently available S&P techniques in design, analysis and deployment of CPS in everyday life and business activities. The goal is to provide multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills on CPS.

 Targeted participants are Master and PhD students, researchers and engineers of the relevant disciplines. 

The school will be organised in two main sessions. The first week will introduce challenges on the following themes: embedded systems, (networked) control systems, wireless sensor networks, and computer science. The second week will focus on acquiring the skills for preparing a business plan and the corresponding pitch presentations on one or combination of the introduced challenges.

The CPS summer school is coordianted by Fondazione Bruno Kessler, with Marco Roveri as chair of the committee. 

Location: FBK and EIT ICT Labs Trento

Visit the Cyper-Physical Systems Summer School web page for more information.

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Co-Funded by the European Union