Events Archive

EIT ICT Labs invites you to participate in two-day event dedicated to Cyber Security & Privacy. The event will focus on key innovation projects developed during this year and give you a possibility to meet promising entrepreneurs with new business ideas.

On November 13th the best start-ups, wannabe entrepreneurs and investors will gather in Trento for the Idea Challenge Final. On November 14th during the Open workshop will be discussed latest developments in the area of privacy and security. Innovation projects developed during year 2014 will be presented by the partner organisations.

Good reasons to attend:

  • Meet promising new Cyber Security & Privacy start-ups
  • Be part of the EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge pitch event and award ceremony
  • Become part of the Privacy, Security & Trust Community

November 13th
EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge - Cyber Security and Privacy Final Event

The Idea Challenge is a EU wide contest for innovators with the drive to fund a business as well as early stage start-ups. The competition focuses on the eight most important trends in ICT which are also in line with the Action Lines of EIT ICT Labs: Health & Wellbeing, Smart Spaces, Cyber-Physical Systems, Future Cloud, Cyber Security and Privacy, Internet of Things, Urban Life and Mobility or Smart Energy Systems.
The best 10 teams will pitch their ideas to a broad audience including angel investors, VCs and our expert jury. The jury consists of representatives from the EIT ICT Labs management, F-Secure, Reply and Telecom Italia. The winning 3 teams will receive a prize package including integration into EIT ICT Labs' network of more than 120 organizations and a cash prize of up to 40.000 €.

Organised by EIT ICT Labs and Trento RISE.

For full agenda and registration please click here.

November 14th
Open workshop on Privacy, Security & Trust

Open workshop is for everyone who wants to know more how information technologies impact the privacy of individuals and how new privacy-preserving and secure technologies are developed to protect them.

Don't miss keynote talk by Professor Christopher Hankin, Director of Institute for Security Science and Technology.

For full agenda and registration please click here.

Learn more about Privacy, Security & Trust online.

Both events will take place at the Trento CLC

Via Sommarive 18, Trento
Click here for directions

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Co-Funded by the European Union