Events Archive


Data Tuesday Launch on November 8th, 2011


Venue:  EIT ICT Labs Paris Co-location centre, 23 avenue d'Italie, Paris, France


Data is one of the megatrends of the years 2010, including Big Data, Dataviz and Open Data.

  • Big data concerns the deluge of data we get from many new sources, including social networks, the new technologies we need to address that deluge and the new usages and applications we can develop from this data.

  • Dataviz concerns the technologies we can develop to visualize data in ways to understand them and to extract information from them.

  • Open Data is the idea that public sector information should be made available by government organizations for access and reuse both to citizens for transparency purposes and to companies for business motivations.

This trend is expressed by the interest of public organizations and large companies for data, by the new technologies being developed in research labs and by the emergence of a new breed of start ups in that space.

To help organize and grow the eco-system, a group of start ups (Data Publica, Captain Dash and MFG Labs), associated with two technology clusters (Cap Digital and Systematic) and EIT ICT Labs have decided to organize a monthly event : the Data Tuesday, which will consists of presentations, discussions and networking. The first Data Tuesday will take place in the EIT ICT Lab Paris co-location center on November 8, 2011.


The business newspaper "Les Echos" will be the media partner of the event.


Members from the other EIT ICT Labs nodes are invited to participate and the organisation of Data Tuesdays in other nodes is encouraged to make this an European event.


For further information, contact François Bancilhon:


Directions to the Paris co-location centre: <link ict-labs nodes-co-location-centres paris paris-node-location>


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