Events Archive

An EIT Digital Finance Networking Event, in collaboration with Invest Stockholm

Finance was an untouchable and immune business for decades. However, nowadays large banks are losing market share and stock market value against rising fintech players. New business models and technologies create unforeseen advances that tend to disrupt stable and trusted customer relations, and lead consumers to seek new partners to manage their financial assets. Here lies a chance for the European economy to quickly gain pace and place a foothold in the future global digital technology market.

Join us on 19 September at Invest Stockholm to hear about the latest tech solutions for Open Banking and data-driven financial services, consider security implications, and learn about the potential of AI for the financial sector.


09:00-09:30  Registration & breakfast
09:30-09:45  Introduction
     Erik Hellsing, Project Manager, Invest Stockholm
     Antonio Garcia Hortal, Innovation Leader Digital Finance
     Göran Olofsson, Node Director Sweden, EIT Digital
09:45-10:05  Keynote
     Göran Almgren, CEO at EnigioTime: True Digitalisation within finance
10:05-10:45  Presentations
     Gustav Baltscheffsky, Business Development Director Nordics, TINK: The journey of TINK & Fintech in times of PSD2
     Christer Hernestig, Founder, Head of Growth & Chief Sales Officer at Defentry
10:45-12:00  Panel discussion
     Anette Tånneryd, Managing Partner, CAPCO    
     Göran Almgren, EnigioTime
     Gustav Baltscheffsky, TINK
     Christer Hernestig, Defentry
     Niklas Arvidsson, Lecturer at Indek (KTH)
     Mattias Wiggberg, Researcher at Indek (KTH)
12:00-13:00  Lunch and networking


Invest Stockholm
Drottninggatan 33
103 25 Stockholm

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Co-Funded by the European Union