Events Archive

EIT ICT Labs' partner Technical University Delft organises a series of seminars that address the challenges and opportunities emerging from large quantities of heterogeneous, complex, networked and dynamic data influencing virtually all socio-economic domains. The Data Science Center Delft aim to bring the main economic, industrial, societal and academic stakeholders together to jointly discuss how to address the challenges and optimally exploit the opportunities related to big data in the years to come.

The theme of the next seminar is: Data Science in the Financial World
Thursday 19 June 2014 - 14.30 to 18.00
Venue: Lecture Hall Chip,  Faculty EEMCS – TU  Delft
Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft

In this seminar, experts from companies, government institutions and TU Delft will shed light on the opportunities and challenges in financial data in the coming decade.

Program 19 June:

14:30  Welcome and opening by Robbert Fokkink 

14:35  Robert Witteveen - Reaal Verzekeringen 

14:55  Ton van Welie - Ortec Finance

15.15  Coffee and tea

15:30  Janine Hogendoorn – Autoriteit Financiële Markten

15:50  Piet Daas – Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

16:10  Coffee and tea

16:20  Pitches about DDS research at TU Delft:
Jasper Anderluh – financial mathematics
Felienne Hermans – software engineering
Kees Vuik – numerical mathematics
Jan van den Berg – cyber security

16:40  Discussion and questions 

17:10  Closing words by Geurt Jongbloed

17:15  Drinks until 18:30

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Co-Funded by the European Union