Events Archive

This event wants to offer an opportunity for sharing best practices and launching new collaborations in the area of digital cities, and in particular of Intelligent Services for the digital cities. It is co-organised by Trento RISE, by the Italian National Association of Municalities (ANCI), by the Association in Trento Municipalities (Consorzio dei Comuni Trentini) and by the Italian node of the EIT ICT Labs

The event will see the participation of representatives of municipalities, industries, and research  from Trento, Italy and Europe. During the two days, the participants will have the possibility to participate to different events.


Participation at the open sessions of the event is free of charge. 
Please fill out the registration form online and spread the word about the event to your colleagues.


Monday, September 2nd (in Italian)

15:00 - 15:30 | Opening and welcome from the authorities

Alessandro Andratta (Trento Mayor)
Andrea Miorandi (Rovereto Mayor)
Alberto Pacher (President of the Autonomous Province of Trento)
Marino Simoni (President of the Association of Treno Municipalities)
Moderators: Paolo Testa (ANCI), Marco Pistore (Trento RISE)

15:30 - 16:00 | Keynote - The City and Community in movement

Speaker: Cristiano Radelli (President of Anitec, Vice-President fo the Confindustria Digitale)

15:30 - 16:00 | Dalla mappatura dei soggetti attivi alla co-progettazione delle smart cities. 

Organised by: ANCI, Osservatorio Nazionale Smart City (in Italian

18:30 - 22:00 | Social event and dinner

Tuesday, September 3rd 

8:30 - 13:30 | Thinking Smart Doing Gender (in Italian, by invitation only)

Organised by: Centro di Studei Interdisciplinari di Genere 

9:30 - 13:00 | Workshop: Dalla mappatura dei soggetti attivi alla co-progettazione delle smart cities (in Italian, by invitation only) 

Organised by: ANCI, Osservatorio Nazionale Smart City 

10:00 - 11:15 | Towards the Digital Cities: A Trento RISE vision.

Organised by: Trento RISE
Moderator: Vittorino Filippas (Trento RISE, Deputy Director)
Speakers: Trento RISE innovation managers and area managers

11:15 - 11:45 | Networking break

11:45 - 13:00 | Digital Cities: Makeing it happen!

Organised by: EIT ICT Labs Italy
Moderator: Roberto Saracco (EIT ICT Labs Italy, Node Director) 
Stephane Amarger (EIT ICT Labs France, Node Director)
Marko Turpeinen (EIT ICT Labs Helsinki, Node Director)
Derrick de Kerckhove (President Osservatorio Tuttimedia, Professor at the Federico II, Naples)
Manuel Carro (Deputy director IMDEA Software Institute Spain, Associate Professor UPM)

13:00 - 14:30 | Working lunch

14:45 - 16:00 | Smart Cities and Communities: An Italian perspective

Organised by: Trento RISE
Moderator: Marco Pistore (Trento RISE, Smart Cities area manager)
Paolo Testa (ANCI, Osservatorio Nazionale Smart City)
Michela Cozza (Centro Studi Interdisciplinari di Genere, University of Trento)
Nadia Busato (Coordinator of Brescia Smart City project)
Claudio Covelli (Director of Information Systems, Comune di Trento)
Maurizio Gabbrielli (Professor, University of Bologna)
Paolo Traverso (Director, Trento RISE)
Michele Vianello (Smart Communities Strategist, Former director of VEGA science park)

For more information about the panels see: Digital Cities of the Future 

Co-located events

EIT ICT Labs Summer School on Intelligent Services for Digital Cities
Monday, Sept.2nd - Friday, Sept.6th
More info

Contact EIT ICT Labs:
Contact Trento RISE:


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Co-Funded by the European Union