Events Archive

Matchmaking & Networking Event
May 16, 2019 | 10:30-16:00
Satellite CLC / Science Park 123, Amsterdam

On Thursday, May 16, Industry, Research and Universities will get together in Amsterdam for a matchmaking and networking event.

Upcoming technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Smart Cities and Digital Finance show limitless opportunities. Where are we exactly and how can industry make use of this? Speakers from Industry and Researchers from our valued partner CWI will give an insight in our kitchen. They will be our “Digital Compass” and show us where future opportunities are.


10h30   -   Registration/coffee
11h00   -   Welcome and opening by Jos Baeten (CEO CWI) and Patrick Essers (Director Benelux EIT Digital)
11h10   -   Key Note by Nina Tellegen (Amsterdam Economic Board)
11h30   -   Key Note by John Baekelmans (imec/Holst Centre)
11h50   -   Presentation Valorisation in combination with ProRail and Engie
12h15   -   Lunch, networking, demo’s & spin-off companies
14h00   -   Parallel sessions
14h45   -   Drinks, networking, demo’s & spin-off companies


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Co-Funded by the European Union