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People.Prosperity.Power. These are the overall themes for the Economist conference Digital Horizons that will be held at KTH, Stockholm on June 12-13.

People  - will focus on how technology and digitalisation is changing how people learn, play, socialise, consume and maintain their health. It will also ask the question of how companies and policy makers should respond to these changes. CEOs and Directors / CO-founders from Spotify, Klarna, Google Sweden, iZettle and Ariadne Capital will take part in the panel.  

Staying healthy is also a part of the agenda concering People. What can we learn from gaming and changed behaviour?cKeynote speaches, followed by a panel discussion will focus on e-health solutions that will reinvent healthcare.

Linnar Viik, EIT Governing Board, and Jan Gulliksen, professor at KTH and the Digital Champion for Sweden take part in the panel. 

Prosperity - in this theme the focus is on how businesses are using data to transform themselves with obvious links to social media, 

mobile technology and issues such as privacy. The other part of the Prosperity session will look at the hunt for talent. 

As technology is revolutionising how things are made, marketed and sold there is a need to redesign companies and business models in order to be competitive. Representatives from Ericsson, UK´s Technology Innovation Agency, Computer Warehouse Group, Aalto University, Saïd Business School and the Swedish business magazine Affärsvärlden will discuss and share case studies and corporate viewpoints.

This will be followed by a look into the workforce revolution and how social media and powerful communications technologies have already transformed the experience of working, affecting how we balance our lives with our work, the places that we work (ever fewer people are working in traditional office environments) and how we direct our career paths.

Power - the third theme will focus on the effects of technology on democracy, political engagement, security and what we believe to be right or wrong.

New technology creates new possibilities and has already had a dramatic effect on politics in many counties. At the same time the dramatic expansion of the internet drives a discussion on how to develop a truly sustainable digital ecosystem -- in terms of finance as well as security and integrity.

A discussion on Big Data - for better or for worse is led by panelists from Microsoft, TIVIT, Wipro and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 

KTH is the official supporting organisation and Aalto University is a gold sponsor to the event. For detailed program and list of speakers read more on the conference website Digital Horizons

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