Events Archive

Date: Wed 13 March 2013, 9:30-11:30
Place: EIT ICT Labs, Open Innovation House (2nd floor), Otaniementie 19b, 02150 Espoo, Finland

The official opening of the Doctoral Training Center Helsinki gathers together the doctoral students, their professors and industrial representatives. We welcome you warmly to the first joint event of the DTC! 


9:30-09:50 Welcome & Opening, Marko Turpeinen Director EIT ITC Labs Helsinki
09:50-11:00 10 min per student: 5 min pitch to sell your ideas idea to the mentors + 5 min Q&A
11:00-11:20 Company representatives, discussion on mentors' expectations
11:20-11:30 Wrap up

More information from Katri Sarkio, Doctoral School Coordinator at EIT ICT Labs Helsinki 

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