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Startup Weekend is an intense 54 hour event which focuses on going from a high tech, design, web or mobile business idea into a prototype, market strategy or business case over the course of a weekend.

The weekend brings together people with different, complementary skillsets - primarily technological experts, designers, researchers, developers and business people – who turn ideas into startups!

Beginning with open mic pitches on Friday, attendees bring their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over Saturday and Sunday teams focus on customer development, validating their ideas, practicing LEAN Startup Methodologies and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday evening teams demo their prototypes and receive valuable feedback from a panel of experts.

Local tech and startup leaders participate in Startup Weekends as mentors and judges. Get some one-on-one time with the movers and shakers in your community.

EIT ICT Labs is one of the main sponsors as seeding new businesses is at the start of new entrepreneurs.

Jaap van der Heijden is co-organising, while Alain le Loux is one of the coaches and Willem Jonker is member of the jury.

For more information Eindhoven Startup Weekend

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Co-Funded by the European Union