Events Archive

A key objective of the EIT is to support the creation of an entrepreneurial culture – both as a mind-set and as an activity. In order to support this objective, the EIT organises an annual award competition in collaboration with its three KICs – Climate-KIC, EIT ICT Labs and  KIC InnoEnergy -  in two categories:

  • The EIT Venture Award showcases entrepreneurial undertakings emerging from the KICs and supports them in their further development;
  • The EIT Change Agents and Next Generation of Entrepreneurs (CH.A.N.G.E.) Award puts the spotlight on young entrepreneurial talent from EIT-labelled and KIC education and training programmes for their achievements in entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and innovation.

We look forward to welcoming you at the EIT Awards 2013 in Budapest on 12 November! 

Please register here

Draft agenda

Entrepreneurial Encounters - Networking Dinner Event 

11 November 18:30 – 22:00 

Objective is to foster inspiring and valuable entrepreneurial exchanges between participants.  

Draft programme: 

Welcome by Alexander von Gabain, Chairman of the EIT Governing Board and José Manuel Leceta, EIT Director 

Dinner speech: Dr. Bert Twaalfhoven, Founder of EFER and Former President of Indivers, co-founder of Gilde V.C 

EIT Awards 2013 

12 November 09:00- 17:00 

Venue: Millenaris, Budapest, Hungary 

08:30 – 09:00 Registration and coffee! 

MC: Daria Tataj, Member of the EIT Governing Board 

09:00 – 09:30 Opening 

Alexander von Gabain, Chairman EIT Governing Board 

09:30 – 09:40 Artistic intervention 

09:40 – 10:30 Entrepreneurial keynote: The potential of innovation and entrepreneurship to solve grand challenges facing humanity (tentative title) 

Naveen Jain, Trustee of Board of Singularity University and Founder of the World Innovation Institute, Moon Express, Intelius and InfoSpace 

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break 

11:00 – 12:00 EIT CH.A.N.G.E.-Award interviews 

This session will present the students and alumni nominated for the EIT’s Change Agents and Next Generation of Entrepreneurs Award. 

Facilitator: Karen Wilson, Board Member and Advisor, EFER 

12:00 – 12:10 Warm-up 

12:10 – 13:10 EIT Venture pitches 

The nominees for the EIT Venture Awards will do their elevator pitches. 

Facilitator: Javier Garcia Martinez, Co-Founder, Director, Chief Technology Officer of Rive Technology Inc. 

13: 10– 14:00 Lunch 

14:00 – 15:00 Interactive session: What it takes to be an entrepreneur and change agent? 

This session will highlight and discuss which personal qualities entrepreneurs in different phases of development of their business need to have and which challenges they may face. 

Moderator: William Benkö, Chief Commercial Officer, DBH Group 


Peter Arvai, CEO and Co-founder of PREZI (tbc) 

Gabor Bojar, Member of the EIT Governing Board 

Rosa Vilarasau, Co-founder of NOEM and EIT 2012 Award winner 

Ihsan Elgin, Executive Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at Özyeğin University 

José Manuel Leceta, EIT Director 

15:00 – 16:00 EIT Awards Ceremony 

16:00 – 17:00 followed by a Farewell drink 

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Co-Funded by the European Union