Six European innovation centers have been selected recently as ARISE Europe cooperation partners of EIT Digital. The objective is to jointly stimulate, with local champions, regional growth in EU countries where EIT Digital is not present.
Together with the ARISE Europe Partners EIT Digital will host a number of co-branded events in the next weeks that you do not want to miss:
- November 13: RubixLab, Bratislava, Slovakia - VC Meeting
Up Venture Slovakia is a one-day event for venture capital industry with presence of local startups and also startups being part of RubixLab network.
- November 17: IniTS, Vienna, Austria - Pitching Contest
Demonstrate your pitching skills and get invited to pitch in Budapest to EIT Digital industry experts from 7th till 9th of December.
- November 18: BGI (Invitation only), Lisbon, Portugal - Networking Dinner
Networking event directed at a highly selected audience of tech-based entrepreneurs and the Innovation and entrepreneurial community in Portugal. On November 19 the BGI Demo Day will take place
- November 18-19: ABC, Nova Gorica, Slovenia - Tech Conference
COINVEST 2015 Venture Days: Join the biggest tech investment event in
Southeast Europe to meet investors, entrepreneurs and start-ups.
ABC Pitching Contest on November 18!
- November 23: Foundation (Invitation only), Athens, Greece - Workshop
A critical introduction to the European start-up and investment scene
VC educational workshop
- November 27: ABC (Invitation only), Ljubljana, Slovenia - Pitch Event
One-on-one sessions with start-up batch (morning)
One-on-one sessions with pre-selected start-ups (afternoon)
- November 30: INiTS, Vienna Demo Day (Information will follow)
- December 10: SWG (Invitation only), Tallinn, Estonia - Ecosystem Meeting
Startup Wise Guys, EIT Digital, Startup Estonia and the Startups Leader's Club present: - Startup ecosystem Christmas party: the Tallinn Christmas networking event for the whole Estonian eco-system
- December 15: Found.ation, Athens, Greece - Workshop on Big Data
Foundation, EIT Digital invite to a workshop with experts from Microsoft and VTT sharing their knowledge and expertise on big data, analytics and privacy
For more information please contact Oliver Bey or Laszlo Gulyas.