Events Archive

Blockchaineum 2.0

Blockchaineum 2.0 is an international blockchain summit taking place in Hungary for the second year in a row. EIT Digital will be represented by the Blockchain Ambassador of its Budapest Node, Ádám Tarcsi, who will share his thoughts on blockchain use cases beyond crypto.

The main aim of the conference is to provide a platform for new questions to be answered by leading national and international players of the industry, while promoting numerous innovative projects and allowing new friendships and business deals to emerge.

Ádám Tarcsi, Blockchain Ambassador of the Budapest Node works as a business advisor at ELTE-Soft, an EIT Digital partner, and he’s also a strategic advisor to the Dean at ELTE University, an academic partner of the EIT Digital ecosystem.

Not only will this focused blockchain community have a full day to share a common passion, but the Blockchaineum 2.0 Conference will also host the final of Hungary’s first blockchain competition, the Block Knights’ Contest.

Venue: Akvárium Club, Budapest, Hungary

Date: May 23, 2018

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Co-Funded by the European Union