Meet EIT Digital in Almedalen 2016 where we present and explore digital, collaborative plattforms and solutions for sustainable cities, innovative startup ideas for digital health & wellbeing and how makerspaces integrate education, research, business and innovation
Get in touch with us if you are in Visby between 4-8 July where we will be networking, debating and hosting events with partners and organisations in the Swedish ecosystem:
Göran Olofsson, Node Director EIT Digital Sweden,
Karoline Beronius, Co-location Centre Manager,
Marianne Loor, Communications Sweden & Digital Industry,
Konrad Tollmar, Docent KTH, ICT skolan,
Mark Smith, Professor KTH, ICT skolan,
Nora Tejedo, EIT Digital Master student KTH & UCL,
Aifloo, Anders Wistrand CTO,
Aifloo, Michael Collaros Founder,
Qinematic, Glenn Bilby CEO and founder,
Wednesday 6 July 6 pm to 8 pm, Fenomalen, Gotland Science Center
Thursday 7 July, RISE Hälsodalen, St Hans café
Friday 8 July 9 am - noon, Fenomalen, Gotland Science Center
Makerspace and maker culture - what is it and why should you bring it into education?
Friday 8 July 1 pm - 5 pm, Fenomalen, Gotland Science Center
Makerspaces a place for innovation - integrating education, research and business