Research&Innovation series
The digital revolution is redefining our society and the way business is made. Take a step back and learn more about the impact of digital trends on our global and local economy with Yann Moulier Boutang, a French economist.
Yann Moulier Boutang is the author of many economic books. His latest research has been focused on how digital creativity, innovation and training are reshaping wealth generation at a global level. He teaches Economics at the Technology University of Compiegne, France and is Adjunct professor at the Fernand-Braudel centre at Binghamton University, New York, US.
Yann Moulier Boutang founded in 2000 Multitudes, a French political, cultural and artistic magazine.
Latest publications (in French):
- Le Capitalisme cognitif : la nouvelle grande transformation, éd. Amsterdam, 2007 (Cognitive capitalism : the new great transformation)
- L’Abeille et l’Économiste, éd. Carnets Nord, 2010 (The bee and the economist)
Date: March 2 2016
Time: 12:30 - 13:30
Venue: Open-Space EIT Digital Rennes, ISTIC building (12D), 2nd Floor, Beaulieu Campus, 263 av. du Général Leclerc, 35000 Rennes, France
The seminar is free of charge within the limit of 30 people. Registration is binding. Travel and accommodation costs are not covered by EIT Digital.
For more information contact Alvaro Pina -Stranger, EIT Digital Rennes Innovation & Entrepreneurship coordinator at
Language: English
Organiser: EIT Digital, Rennes, France
About EIT Digital Rennes Innovation Talks:
EIT Digital Rennes Innovation Talks are a series of events where researchers, engineers, business and PhD and Masters students get together with experts (business or academic) to share their knowledge and experience of existing and disruptive technology hot topics in an exchange-friendly environment. A sandwich buffet is served during the event.
If you are a doctoral student from University of Rennes 1, note that this talk is complementary general and professional training recognised by MATISSE Doctoral School. A participation certificate is provided upon request at each session.