Business & Innovation series
Meet Emmanuel Thierry, CTO at YoGoKo, a start-up commercialising innovative communication solutions for Intelligent Transportation Systems. Emmanuel will engage in an open discussion to present how his team successfully combined technologies from three research centres into a business.
YoGoKo is a start-up founded in 2014 by members from three research institutes (Inria, Mines ParisTech and Telecom Bretagne) specialising in innovative communication solutions applied to Intelligent Transportation Systems.
YoGoKo commercialises communication solutions allowing roadside infrastructure, traffic control centres, vehicles of all types and nomadic devices to exchange data in a standardised way. These solutions help to improve road safety, road traffic efficiency and information provided to road users.
Emmanuel Thierry holds an engineering degree in computer science from INSA (Rennes) and took part in the development of YoGoKocombining technologies from the three laboratories into a commercial product.
Date: 11 February 2016
Time: 12:30 to 13:30
Venue: Open-Space EIT Digital Rennes, ISTIC building (12D), 2nd Floor, Beaulieu Campus, 263 av. du Général Leclerc, 35000 Rennes, France
Registration: (max 35 seats)
Organiser: EIT Digital, Rennes, France
About EIT Digital Rennes Innovation Talks:
EIT Digital Rennes Innovation Talks are a series of events where researchers, engineers, business and PhD and Masters students get together with experts (business or academic) to share their knowledge and experience of existing and disruptive technology hot topics in an exchange-friendly environment. A sandwich buffet is served during the event.
If you are a doctoral student from University of Rennes 1, note that this talk is complementary general and professional training recognised by MATISSE Doctoral School. A participation certificate is provided upon request at each session.