Events Archive

Innovation panel by EIT Digital Spain partners during the official Opening (March 2017)

Innovation panel by EIT Digital Spain partners during the official Opening (March 2017)

Almost a year after being voted <link newsroom news article eit-digital-increases-commitment-to-spanish-digital-innovation-by-opening-node-in-madrid>full European Node, EIT Digital Spain will host its first Innovation Day to recap on the great milestones achieved in 2017 on our three pillars of action: Education, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. Therefore, several Innovation Activities driven by Spanish <link about-us locations madrid-node>partners, supported scaleups, and students will give an inspiring overview of our commitment into driving Europe's digital transformation in Spain.

Later, after a morning and noon of sharing experiences and getting to better know the rich Spanish ecosystem of EIT Digital, our Madrid Node will have the honour to host the European EIT Digital Challenge final in the category 'Digital Wellbeing'. During which, the 5 finalists (yet to be announced) will pitch for the entire audience and for a top-level Pan-European jury, to win a prize of €100.000 value.

The event will take place on November 30, 2017 in Madrid (Spain).

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Co-Funded by the European Union