The new industrial revolution due to the digital transformation of business models, processes, automation and the changing basis for education and life-long learning in the new era we are entering are common topics for discussion in many places and will be so also in the Almedalen week where EIT Digital will be present and host three seminars. In addition the Stockholm Node will kick off a collaboration network for Makerspace Education that will launch in September.
The Minister of the Future meets the Furhat robot
The Almedalen Week is an important annual meeting place for anyone who wants to discuss a current social issue in Sweden. The event is organised by the parliamentary parties and the municipality of Gotland is the host. Everyone else who participates is a co-organiser. There are many co-organisers – in 2014 there were approx. 3000 seminars arranged over a period of eight days, always in the end of June and beginning of July. The event gathers almost 30 000 persons, many of them C-level managers in large international companies, governmental bodies, the political parties, drivers of change and innovation and social entrepreneurship and NGO’s.
EIT Digital Stockholm organises three events this summer, in collaboration with Swedish ICT, Kista Science City, DF Stockholm (Association of ICT professionals in Sweden) and the technical museum of Gotland, Fenomenalen.
The first panel session, starting at 13.00 on June 29th, at Kapitelhusgården, Visby will cover the challenges and opportunities for industry as the digitisation of business, manufacturing, distribution and management continues. The panel gathers prominent representatives from the government, financial sector, industry and business development as well as well-known thought leaders.
Digitisation - an new industrial revolution?
- Kristina Persson, Framtidsminister, Sveriges regering.
- Anna Felländer, Chefsekonom, Swedbank.
- Darja Isaksson, Strateg grundare, Ziggy Creative Colony.
- Helena Jerregrård, VD, SICS Swedish ICT Västerås.
- Susanne Timsjö, User Experience Manager, ABB Corporate Research.
- Petra Sundström, Sr Product Manager, Husqvarna.
- Agneta Jacobson, Business developer IoT, EIT Digtial
- Moderator: Jenny Sperens, Swedish ICT
The second session, starting at 15.00 on June 29th, at Kapitelhusgården, Visby will be a more interactive dialogue with the participants on the topic of Competence for the 2nd Machine Age. From the ecosystem of EIT Digtial, professor Gunnar Karlson, active as both researcher and leader of the IoT summer schools is a known presenter on how education needs to transform to fit the new demands of working life and society as a whole. Konrad Tollmar, researcher at KTH is involved in activities related to Urban Life and Mobility and is also the KTH coordinator for the EIT Digital Master School. They will be joined in this session by representatives from Industry, thought leaders on digital skills in comprehensive schools and professional education, with aspects on democracy and digital inclusion. The team of the startup Furhat Robotics, supported by EIT Digital will showcase how they will assist in classrooms in Swedish schools in a new pilot project.
Which competences are needed in the 2nd machine age?
- Gunnar Karlsson, Professor KTH (FNS Summer School EIT Digital)
- Anna-Karin Ahlflood, Head of Talent Acquisition Sweden, Ericsson
- Karin Nygårds, Innovativ Teacher Primary School, Sjöstadsskolan.
- Darja Isaksson, Strategist and founder, Ziggy Creative Colony
- Birgitta Edberg, CEO, DF Stockholm.
- Carl Heath, Researcher Interactive Institute, Swedish ICT
- Konrad Tollmar, Researcher, Urban Life & Mobility, EIT Digital
- Marcin de Kampinksi, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
- Furhat, social robot, Furhat Robotics ( EIT Digital Stockholm coached startup)
Makerspace Education kickoff and EIT Digital Master students’ project myInicio
The third event takes place on July 3rd at the courtyard of Fenomenalen in Visby. Professionals from research, education, libraries, creatives and associations engaged in teaching and sharing digital skills join up and present the concept of the Maker movement and makerspaces. We welcome anyone who is curious about new technology like 3D printing, scratch programming, combining old craft skills with new methods and small devices, motors, led lights etc.
A group of EIT Digital Master Students have been active in the Makerspaces in Kista together with KTH professor Mark Smith. As part of their business development project they formed Inicio, a non for profit organisation supporting younger students (and teachers) in the comprehensive schools with future career advice via hands-on makerspace workshops.
Increasingly it is difficult for the next generation to select and understand what theoretical higher education will be a good choice for the future work place. In the labour market, the recruiters in business and industry are looking for talents who not only have the theoretical knowledge but also practical know-how and an innovative mind-set.
On July 3rd the presentations of various initiatives will be followed by workshops and best practice sharing. The sessions will be streamed via or
- Carl Heath, Researcher Interactive Institute, Swedish ICT, Vinnova project for Makerspaces in schools
- Birgitta Edberg, DF Stockholm, kickoff Makerspace Education network 2015
- Mark Smith, Professor IT Products, KTH, Inicio student project and cross-disciplinary education
- Åke Nygren, and Skaparbibblan, educating for Makerspaces
- Niclas Ekholm, IKT-labbet, mobile makerspaces and various kits for teaching creative tech
- Harriet Aurell, Makerspace Stockholm and Makertjej ( Maker Girls)
In September the first in a series of Makerspace Education workshops will be hosted in Kista and the EIT Digital Stockholm CLC.