Events Archive

EIT ICT Labs and Cloudberry Datacenters welcome you to the city of Luleå and Luleå University of Technology, in the north of Sweden, for a two day program in June 4-5, 2014, focussing on Cloud and Big Data.

North Sweden offers a uniquely reliable and competitive environment for green datacenters. The region is instrumented by renewable energy, redundant broadband infrastructure, cool air and educated people. With headquarter in this dynamic region, Cloudberry is a research and innovation initiative that supports, coordinates and integrates research, innovation, design and education activities in the area of green datacenters and cloud computing. EIT ICT Labs partners, SICS and Luleå University of Technology, are members of Cloudberry.

Welcome to come and listen to and discuss current research and innovations in the areas of Cloud, Big Data, Future Networking, Data Centers and related topics. This event will give you an increased knowledge on the research and innovation front and on the on-going Cloudberry pilots and new multidisciplinary pilot projects. Moreover, it will encourage collaboration within EIT ICT Labs thematic groups and give an opportunity to discuss and create joint carrier projects, such as within Horizon2020. This event will also prepare Datacenters as an area in EIT ICT Labs.

The entire two day event is free. Sign up to the left before May 23.

Schedule Wednesday, June 4

09.00-10.00 - Registration, Coffee and mingle
10.00-10.30 - Opening session: Cloudberry CEO and EIT ICT Labs Stockholm Node Director

10.30-11.00 - Key Note: "The Stratosphere Big Data Analytic Platform", Amir Payberah, TU-Berlin & SICS
11.00-11.30 - Key Note: Michael Franklin, Berkley University

Pilot talks: Definition of Key topic Challenges & Opportunities
11.30-12.00 - Pilot talk 1: Meta Datacenters - An architecture for automatic distribution of data and computation across different resources (underlying clouds or data centers), acting like a broker, placing computation and storage where it meets the requirements and is most resource efficient and inexpensive.

12.00-13.30 - Lunch and demonstrations of Cloudberry pilot projects

13.30-14.00 - Pilot talk 2: Data Center infrastructure monitoring and automation - Energy efficient operations of data center infrastructure, based on sensor data, trend analysis, visualization and decision support.

14.00-14.30 - Pilot talk 3: Energy big data analytics - Data from smart meters for analysis of consumer patterns and decision support for consumer peak shaving and for predictive power distribution.

14.30-15.00 - Coffee break

Panel and Group break out discussions on key topic challenges & opportunities
15.00-15.45 - Panel Discussion with invited speakers
15.45-16.45 - Group Discussion 1: Meta Datacenters
15.45-16.45 - Group Discussion 2: Data Center infrastructure monitoring and automation
15.45-16.45 - Group Discussion 3: Energy big data analytics
16.45-17.00 - Wrap up and conclusion

17.00 - Buses to hotel for check in
18.00 - Bus transport to Social event and dinner at the World Heritage Site "Church Village of Gammelstad"

Schedule Thursday, June 5

09.00-09.15 - Registration and Coffee, Sum up of day 1
09.15-10.00 - Key Note: “Innovative Mega Datacenters in operations and future challenges”, Joel Kjellgren, Facebook
10.00-10.30 - Coffee break

Pilot talks: Definition of Key topic Challenges & Opportunities
10.30-11.00 - Pilot talk 4: Efficient IoT Contents - Efficient information centric collection, analysis and dissemination of IoT data in challenging environments.

11.00-11.30 - Pilot talk 5: Big data router for real-time analytics - Distributed real-time data collection (e.g. business data from cash registers) to database in the cloud, with real-time analysis, follow-up and visualization.

11.30-12.45 - Lunch

Group discussions on key topic challenges & opportunities
12.45-13.45 - Group Discussion 4: Efficient IoT Contents
12.45-13.45 - Group Discussion 5: Big data router for real-time analytics
13.45-14.30 - Wrap up, conclusion Closing session and next steps

14.30- Coffee and mingle

For those traveling to Luleå we have reserved a limited number of rooms at the Elite Hotel in Luleå City. Please ask for the "Cloudberry" reserved rooms. The price is 810 SEK/night and you will need to make the reservation before May 16.

How to get to & around Luleå:

Map to the location:
LKAB-salen in the A-building at Luleå University of Technology
Any questions about the event, please contact Michael Nilsson (
or +46 (0) 920 492 306

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Co-Funded by the European Union