Events Archive

A Hungarian startup and the EIT ICT Labs Master School introduced at PODIM 2014 in Maribor, Slovenia.

On 14-15 May 2014, just like hundreds of innovation hubs and startups, EIT ICT Labs Budapest will also be present at the conference PODIM 2014, which will be about the entrepreneurial rollercoaster, ups and downs, successes and failures, dos and don'ts on the entrepreneurial path.

More than 40 regional and international successful entrepreneurs will share their ideas on how to manage difficult business situations, as well as on the importance of a strong entrepreneurial mindset and knowledge to overcome all the obstacles and build global startups.

Sopreso, a Hungarian startup supported by the Business Development Accelerator team at the Budapest Associate Partner Group, takes part in the panel “Customer discovery, pivoting, MVP and Product Design”, presenting the application, which enables the audience to ask, comment and like presentations live.

During PODIM 2014, EIT ICT Labs will also introduce the Master School to local students who are interested both in ICT and in business.

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Co-Funded by the European Union