Events Archive

High Tech Campus 31, next to parking P3 & P2

Inauguration Event new Co-location Centre on 11 December

The EIT ICT Labs Co-location Centre Eindhoven moved to a new venue on the High Tech Campus. The move has been made to: High Tech Campus 31, 5656 AE, Eindhoven.  The opening of EIT ICT Labs’ new office is an important step in the goal of driving ICT innovation in the Netherlands. The Inauguration Event of the new office will be visited by people with a diverse background, such as representatives from EIT ICT Labs partners, startup entrepreneurs, ambitious researchers, students and business developers. This variety highlights one of the core values of EIT ICT Labs co-location: innovation emerges from close encounters of ambitious, entrepreneurial people.

Inauguration Programme 11 December 

Open House:
10.00 hrs - 17:30 hrs: Line-up of 26 demo's
10.30 -11.30 hrs Guided Tour in house
11.30 -12.30 hrs Guided Tour in house
12.30 -13.30 hrs Guided Tour to NXP Experience Lab

Official Opening Ceremony:
15.00 - 16.00 hrs: Guided Tour with Your Higness Constantijn van Oranje
16.00 - 17.00 hrs: Opening Ceremony
Celebration drink

Download the handout for an overview of the demo's that are lined up.

Open House: Experiencing ICT Innovations 

The opening of the new Co-location Centre will be celebrated with an 'Open House' for partners, neighbours and everyone who always wanted to know everything about EIT ICT Labs. During the 'Open House' there will be a line up of 24 demo's representing the collaboration of the partners. The partners will showcase results and their way-of-working from the two-fold strategy of EIT ICT labs: speed-up the go-to-market ICT innovations and breeding a new generation of entrepreneurial ICT professionals. 

In line with the tradition of the Philips Experience Lab, the former destination of the building, EIT ICT Labs and partners will give the visitors the EIT ICT Labs’ experience of innovations through the Open House. It will be the first time that EIT ICT Labs Eindhoven showcases in a one-stop event what the partners want to accomplish in 'Innovation and Education in ICT'. For those who are interested to get a representative grasp of demo's: there are guided tours organised in which everyone can participate. The Open House will start at 10:00 - 17:30 hrs.

Official Opening Ceremony: ICT is the core of new business

The official opening ceremony will take place between 15:00 and 17:00 hrs with Royal Highness Constantijn van Oranje. The theme is described as ‘ICT is the core of new business’, which reflects the irreversible impact of ICT on the future of companies and society.

The official opening starts with a guided tour. Right after the guided tour the speakers programme and the official opening action takes place. Next to your Highness Constantijn van Oranje, several speakers will address the theme ICT Core of Business and innovation. The speakers include Bertholt Leeftink - DG Economic Affairs, Willem Jonker - CEO of EIT ICT Labs, René Penning de Vries - ICT Boegbeeld, Patrick Strating - Node Director of EIT ICT Labs Eindhoven, Henk van Houten - Executive Vice President & CEO of Philips Research and Fred Boekhorst - Senior Vice President & Program Manager Lifestyle of Philips Research.

Participation is at a first come, first serve basis. You are kindly requested to REGISTER.


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Co-Funded by the European Union