Events Archive

Winter @ High Tech Campus Eindhoven

Technical University Delft and Eindhoven University of Technology organise an EIT ICT Labs Winterschool as part of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship programme of the EIT ICT Labs Master School. The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Winter School 2015 on 'Visual Data' will take place on 2nd until 6th of February 2015 in the Co-location Centre Eindhoven at the High Tech Campus, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

The central theme is: ‘Visual Data Analytics’. EIT ICT Labs Master School students based at TU Delft, TU Eindhoven are invited to participate. EIT ICT Labs Master School students of the Technical University Twente are welcome to join.

The Winter School aims to train the students in the Business Model Generation process by turning a product idea into a business plan with value propositions, potential user segments and marketing strategy. In addition students receive short trainings in team building, ideation, projectmanagement, presentation techniques / soft skills and self-assessment. EIT ICT Labs Business developers will contribute to the proramme of the Winterschool 2015.

This year there are three business cases provided by startups: Synerscope, HealthyChoices and Ugentec.

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Co-Funded by the European Union