In September-October 2012, EIT ICT Labs admitted the first cohort of students to the international Master School. This autumn they have finalised their studies and acquired their degrees.
On behalf of EIT ICT Labs, Professor Carl-Gustaf Jansson EIT ICT Labs Master School Director, proudly announces the Graduation Ceremony for the First Cohort of the EIT ICT Labs Master School. All students who have finalised their studies are invited to this Graduation Ceremony to receive their EIT Label Certificate as the proof of having completed an EIT Labelled Masters Programme.
The ceremony takes place on Friday November 28 in Paris and is hosted by Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) and the EIT ICT Labs Paris Node. The venue for the event is the Amphitheatre DURAND-ESCLANGON and the Zamansky tower of UPMC at 4 Place Jussieu. The Graduation Ceremony is on invitation only.
Programme of the EIT ICT Labs Graduation Ceremony
10.30 hrs: Registration, outside the Amphitheatre Durand-Esclangon
11.15 hrs: Welcome to UPMC by Vice President Professor Serge Fdida
11.30 hrs: Practical information from the Local organisation team
11.45 - 12.30 hrs: Lunch
12.45 –14:45 hrs: Core Ceremony
12.45 - 13.00 hrs: Opening by EIT ICT Labs Master School Director, Professor Carl Gustaf Jansson
13.00 - 13.15 hrs: Highlighting the Master School Programs and Innovation & Entrepreneurship programme
13.15 - 13.30 hrs: The Future Impact of having completed an EIT Labelled Education by EIT ICT Labs Education Director, Professor Anders Flodström
13.30 - 13.45 hrs: The EIT ICT Labs Final Messages by EIT ICT Labs CEO, Professor Willem Jonker
13.45 - 14.45 hrs: Awarding the Certificates
15.00 – 16.00 hrs: Coffee break + Group photo outside
16.15 – 17.15 hrs: Alumni Organisation position statement
17.30 – 18.30 hrs: Poster session and networking
18.45 – 19.00 hrs: Closure of Ceremony by EIT ICT Labs Paris Node Director, Dr Stéphane Amarger
19.30 hrs: Dinner in the Zamansky Tower
Contact: Marja Mustonen
Information on the EIT ICT Labs Master School