Events Archive

Wellbeing Innovation Camp 2013 Eindhoven

The EIT ICT Labs Summer School is part of the innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) education of the EIT ICT Labs Master School. The Summer School aims to bring students for two weeks together to work in groups on a business development process in the context of a societal relevant thematic area. This year two Summer Schools take place: in Trento and in Eindhoven. The Summer School in Eindhoven takes place at the High Tech Campus: from Sunday 11 August -Friday 23 August.

The theme of the Summer School in Eindhoven is “health and wellbeing” (HWB) with emphasis on ways to foster a healthy lifestyle. This will be introduced through lectures and workshops on life style trends, on ways to asses, measure and promote fitness and mental wellbeing. In addition, entrepreneurial capabilities are enhanced and trained through master classes on specific business aspects as market research, venturing, etc. Through the two weeks students will work in teams of five-to-six students on projects. The business cases are provided by Philips.
The first week will emphasize the thematic aspects of HWB while the second week will deal more with the business aspects. Both the first week and the second week end with a pitching session in front of a business panel. Also participation of other KIC partners and motivational presentations by real entrepreneurial start-ups will be included in the programme. 

The Summer School consists of focus-lectures of academics and practitioners, project work, field tests, site visits, and socializing events. During the two weeks, students are confronted (i.e. meet in person) with involved stakeholders such as companies, researchers, business people, start ups, customers, etc. 

The High Tech Campus Eindhoven supports the EIT ICT Labs Master School and make it happen that the EIT ICT Las Master School Students work for two weeks in the Conference Centre 'the Strip' which is in the heart of the area.
Erik Jansen (TU Delft), Dorine Hamers (CLC Eindhoven), Else Embregts (CLC Eindhoven)

> Participation is granted for EIT ICT Labs Master School students. Summer School in Eindhoven is fully booked and can not take in more students.

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Co-Funded by the European Union