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The EIT ICT Labs Summer School is part of the innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) education of the EIT ICT Labs Master School. The Summer School aims to bring students for two weeks together to work in groups on a business development process in the context of a societal relevant thematic area. This year two Summer Schools take place: in Trento and in Eindhoven. The Summer School in Trento takes place from Sunday 21nd of July to 4th of August 2013

Service Design for Quality of Life

The theme of the Trento Summer School is “design and services for the culture and quality of life” with emphasis on ways of improving the quality of life for both elderly people who need some specific assistance and younger people either on their business or leisure activities. This thematic area is introduced through lectures and workshops on methodologies/approaches focused on design & services, on ways to assess and promote peoples’ quality of life. Enhancing entrepreneurial skills and specific business capacities from the idea to the project remains key objective. 

Throughout the period of the Summer School, students will work in teams of five-to-six participants on a service design project. A selection of initial use cases will be provided by Telecom and GPI (enterprises co-located in the Trento node) and by Novay (Netherlands).

The Summer School will consist of two weeks. The first week focuses on various elements on Design Approaches and Service Development while the second week focuses on business components. During the second week students will be equipped with the necessary technical tools and knowledge on business cycle management enabling them to work on their project ideas. The second week will also explore the product/service concept, the market and customer segments, the social and usability aspects of the proposed project ideas helping working groups through tutorials to mature the project on the business and technical aspects. 

The scope of the Summer School in Trento is based on the following pilars:
• Introduction to Design Approaches and employability on Service Development, providing instruments to conduct students from idea to product
• Offer students tools to deal with horizontal themes on Design & Services, and vertical courses related to ICT for Quality of Life and Cultural issues
• Provide project planning tools and coaching on applying knowledge on I&E

Maurizio Marchese and Gert Guri (UNITN/Trento RISE)

> Participation is granted for EIT ICT Labs Master School students. Summer School in Trento is now fully booked and can not take in more students.

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Co-Funded by the European Union