Events Archive

Cars are the next big opportunity for Web applications. Open Web technologies will reduce development costs compared to native apps which incur steep learning curves for each platform. 

What APIs are needed for automotive apps? How to deal with trust, security, privacy and road safety? How to create apps that span user devices, e.g. coupling the car, smart phones, tablets, and devices on the users home network? How take advantage of the unique opportunities specific to automotive? 

This workshop will focus on use cases, technical challenges and the need for new standards for automotive web apps. Read more on the workshop website and register by sending an email to Christian Mueller
Organized by 
• EIT ICT Labs Action Line: Intelligent Mobility and Transportation Systems, TIMS: Christian Mueller
• The GetHomeSafe consortium
• W3C: Dave Raggett
• German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence: Christoph Endres

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Co-Funded by the European Union