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Block in your Calendar! B2B Sales Workshop!
On line preparation: start first week of November
Classroom workshop: 27 & 28 November

EIT ICT Labs organises a Business-2-Business Sales workshop for startups. In this workshop you will learn to reach customers and achieve competitive advantage. It will take you on a journey on how to sell your products or services effectively. The B2B Sales Workshop is organised in collaboration with partner iMinds. It is open to all startups and SMEs in the network of EIT ICT Labs and the iMinds network. Do you want to commercialise your business to business ideas and need some help? Join!

About the B2B Sales Workshop

The B2B Sales Workshop combines e-learning (3 weeks online preparation), classroom discussions with one-on-one coaching sessions to provide participants with theoretical sales foundations and a hands-on approach to commercialisation.

You will learn to build a Go-To-Market strategy: this includes defining the value perception for your product or service offering, your target customers and the action plan of your approach. You will develop methods and techniques on how to manage the process of selling your solution (product or services). Get personal coaching for your own company.

Entrepreneurs who participate seize the opportunity to:
• Validate your existing business model
• Conduct further market research
• Test out your commercialisation strategy
• Gain valuable insights from industry experts and successful entrepreneurs
Including the online preparation, the course will run for a total of four weeks.

Course Topics

The B2B Sales Workshop will cover the following topics:
• Identifying a Target Market
• Defining a Value Proposition
• Building a Go-To Market Strategy
• Understanding the Lead Qualification Process
• Managing the Sales Cycle
• Sales Psychology

If you want to get an impression about how the EIT ICT Labs / iMinds B2B Sales workshop will look alike, take a sneak preview on the iMinds website:

How does it work?

1. After your registration and confirmation we will inform you in detail. And all teaching materials and course information will be available online.
2. All participants are required to submit assignments and complete a case study prior to the workshop. The case study will be the basis for discussion during the AM session.
3. An invitation to join in a shared Dropbox folder will be sent shortly after the confirmation mail that will be send to you.

Why do we offer this to you?

EIT ICT Labs want to stimulate the business development of innovative ICT startups and SMEs in Europe. Therefore you may participate against no costs in this workshop. However, we will charge a no-show fee of 40% for the costs of the Class room workshop.

Seats are very limited, therefore it is recommended to express your interest in time and REGISTER before 22 October.

  • On line preparation: start first week of November;
  • Classroom workshop: 27 & 28 November;
  • EIT ICT Labs Co-location Centre Eindhoven;
  • High Tech Campus 31;
  • 5656 AE, Eindhoven;
  • The Netherlands;
  • Participation at no costs. However, we will charge a no-show fee of 40% for the Classroom workshop.

Contact: Martijn Klabbers

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Co-Funded by the European Union