Events Archive

Outreach Programme

Outreach Programme aims to activate start-ups by building strong ties to EIT ICT Labs action lines and other EIT ICT Labs related innovation programmes and contests. Besides, the Outreach programme provides various scholarship schemes to support the talented ICT students to join the EIT ICT Labs Master School, which offers an international two-year master program in 19 leading top universities.

Further goal is to develop fruitful collaboration partnerships which span all EU countries outside the EIT ICT Labs network. The mobility programme helps local professors, researchers and students to become partners of international EIT ICT Labs projects. The programme has to be considered as an outreach to all the countries not directly connected to the EIT ICT Labs network.

The focus countries are: Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia. 

Live streaming

Follow Outreach even in Slovenia on live streaming:

Agenda (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Monday, 4 November 2013

14:00 | Welcome - Outreach initiative of the EIT ICT Labs (Roberto Saracco)
14:30 | Technology Evolution: what is going on, how to leverage it (Roberto Saracco)
16:15 | Education-Research-Business (ERB) in the EIT ICT Labs (Roberto Saracco)
16:30 | Coffee Break
17:00 | EIT ICT Labs Education - Opportunities for Slovenia (Gert Guri)
17:40 | EIT ICT Labs "Living Labs" (Marco Senigalliesi)
18:00 | EIT ICT Labs Business Development Accelerator (Marco Senigalliesi) 

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

09:00 | Making it happen in Slovenia (Gert Guri, Marco Senigalliesi)
09:30 | Face to Face meetings with SMEs and Start-ups (Marco Senigalliesi)
10:30 | Coffee Break
11:00 | Face to Face meetings with SMEs and Start-ups (Marco Senigalliesi)


Univeristy of Ljubljana
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Tržaška cesta 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

How to reach? Consult info on the University of Ljubljana website.

Contact: Argene Superina




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