Events Archive

Join the inspiring and skill-building Patent Booster training, a one-day event teaching you how to protect and turn your research results into commercial assets. 

The Patent Booster training is tailored to researchers in the ICT field. It is designed to give you essential information and insights into patents, patenting and commercialisation of your research results and technologies. With relevant and interactive workshops you learn how to evaluate & develop ideas, and how to protect & exploit research results and technologies. 

After the training event you will know how to: 

• Evaluate your research results and technologies from a commercialization point of view 
• Bring your research results and technologies to the market 
• Exploit and protect your research results and technologies 
• Patent and manage the patenting process 

The Patent Booster training is free of charge and conducted by technology transfer professionals and experts from the European Patent Office (EPO).

Programme 24th October

9.00-12.00: Turning inventions into innovations
Hosted by Folkert Teernstra, license associate at TNO. 
This part will give you insights in how to evaluate & develop ideas from a commercial point of view and how to exploit innovations.

12.00-13.00: Networking lunch with participants
Join our buffet lunch at the Strip and get in contact with other ICT researchers / participants 

13.00-16.30: Creating value from intellectual property
Hosted by Eva Hopper, patent examiner at European Patent Office. 
This part will give you insights in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), the types of IPR protection in general and IP rights for ICT innovations in specific.

16:30 – 17:30: Networking drink
Enjoy a drink with other participants and meet the trainers.


Please fill out the registration form online and spread the word about the training to your colleagues. Seats are limited and an early registration gives you priority. 

Local information

The training starts in the morning at 9.00 hrs and will end around 17:00 hrs. It takes place at the EIT ICT Labs Co-location Center in Eindhoven: 

EIT ICT Labs | Eindhoven Node 
High Tech Campus 69 
5656 AG Eindhoven 
The Netherlands 

Contact for more information: James Schlechter, of EIT ICT Labs partner TNO


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Co-Funded by the European Union