Events Archive

Dear Investors,

we kindly invite you to our new pitching event of European ICT start-ups. The event takes place in Berlin and is organized by the network “B!Gründet“ of Berlin universities together with EIT ICT Labs.

Thirteen carefully chosen start-ups will present their concepts to European investors. The start-up characteristics include e.g. ICT and Internet-based business models, high internationalization potential and seed money needs up to 1M€.

For registration please send an email to Florian Uhlig, florian.uhlig(at)

Date: Monday, 24.10.2011, 2:00 – 7:00 P.M.

Location: EIT ICT Labs Co-Location Center Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 6th floor


13:30 Registration

14:00 Welcoming by Dr. Udo Bub, Managing Director EIT ICT Lab s GmbH

14:10 Keynote "ICT Labs and the chances for entrepreneurs" by Agnes von Matuschka, Head of Center for Entrepreneurship and Founder Service, TU Berlin

14:20 Moderation by Michael Moritz, General Manager CatCap GmbH

14:30 Pitch part 1

16:00 Coffee break

16:30 Pitch part 2

17:45 Conclusions

18:00 Networking dinner/get together


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Co-Funded by the European Union