Events Archive

Increase your R&D budget - welcome to a workshop about research collaboration in Västerås, Sweden!

The aim of this workshop is to identify common interests when it comes to research and development - and to find and develop a number of ideas / proposals and matching financing.

This event is a collaboration between EIT ICT Labs, SICS and Mälardalen University. The three organisors have a strong common interest when it comes to bringing people, competences and organisations together to create new knowledge and networks. More concrete, the event aims at creating new ideas and consortia to be able to apply for funding which will help all involved to launch new research projects.

12.30: Welcome - Helena Jerregård, SICS 
12.40: Introduction to research financing - Gunnar Widforss & Malin Rosqvist, MDH 
13.00: Research at SICS and Mälardalen University  - Markus Bohlin & Hans Hansson 
13.30: Company presentations 
14.00: Group discussion about research interests and project ideas 
incl coffee
15.00: Report from group discussion 
15.30: Follow-up and time plan 
16.00: Snacks and networking – time for individual meetings and follow-up

When: December 12, 12.30-17.00
Where: Mälardalen University, Högskoleplan 1, Västerås
Room: Ypsilon


MDH, Embedded Systems

After the event we will share the participants list, slides – presentations, 
photos and a report on the event. 


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Co-Funded by the European Union