Events Archive


Date: November 9-10

Venue: EIT ICT Labs Co-Location Centre, Espoo, Finland (Otaniementie 17, room Odeion)

Directions to the co-location centre

Contact: Petri Liuha,, Hanna Käyrä,

New innovations for services in smart environments have started to emerge. In the Smart Spaces workshop, we will have an overview of innovation results from 2011 in the smart spaces area activities in ICT Labs and on the potential stable innovation platforms that could be used for new innovations. We will also discuss the deployment of mature concepts in the ICT Labs co-location centers and in living labs setups of ICT Labs. Furthermore, we will see an example of repository activities that could be used for collaboration.

Please register here and take time to fill a questionnaire here before attending the workshop.


  • review results on 2011 activities
  • present existing platforms for use in ICT Labs
  • introduce repository activities
  • introduce plans for new concepts or living labs
  • discuss deployment of existing tools in all CLCs
  • discuss new relevant research topics and initiate further collaboration, especially to other Action Lines

Event focus is on content not structure.


Nov 9th

 9:00 Coffee and welcome 9:30 Introduction 9:45 Results review of current activities 

  • Pervasive Information, Interfaces and Interaction (PI3)
  • Smart spaces architecture and research (SSRA)
  • Public Living Labs (PLL)


  • 12:00 Lunch break
  • 13:00 Innovation platforms & living lab presentations
  • 14:45 Coffee
  • 15:00 Innovation platforms & living lab presentations content
  • 17:00 Close
  • 19:00 Dinner at restaurant Nuevo 


    There is no transportation to the dinner.

    Nov 10th

     8:45 Coffee 9:00 Keynote: professor Sumi Helal from the University of Florida 9:45 Session on new plans, topics and ways of collaboration, deployment of existing tools in all CLCs, repository 11:30 Lunch break 12:30 Activities’ own meetings 

    • Pervasive Information, Interfaces and Interaction (PI3) (room Odeion)
    • Smart spaces architecture and research (SSRA) (EIT ICT Labs)
    • Public Living Labs (PLL) (Video conference room 2103)
    • Interaction Toolkit (TIK) (Small video conference room)


  • 15:45 Coffee
  • 16:30 Closing and goodbye (room Odeion) 





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    Co-Funded by the European Union