Events Archive

We are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the results of the Electric Vehicles and the Smart Grid (EV2GRID) Experts Activity! 

Date: Thursday, 5 December 2013
Place: EIT ICT Labs Co-location Centres in TrentoBerlinStockholm 

The Event will present different solutions, created by the project partners, to push electromobility forward. The objective of the event is outreach to potential entrepreneurs to initiate pick-up of business ideas developed in the “EV2GRID Experts” project, as well as dissemination of activity results to private and commercial customers.  


The morning will be devoted to presentations by the partners, while the afternoon will be available for face-to-face meetings (either on location or remotely) between participants and partners of interest.

10:00 - 10:10 | Welcome and introduction
10:10 - 11:30 | Technical presentations by EV2GRID consortium
11:30 - 11:50 | Coffee break
11:50 - 13:10 | Technical presentations by EV2GRID consortium
13:10 - 13:40 | Lunch break
13:40 - 16:00 | Matck-making session
16:00            | End of event

About EV2GRID 

The "EV2GRID Experts" project is an initiative funded by EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) ICT Labs, aimed at the definition of new services targeted at consulting in the area of EV-to-Grid integration. The focus is on smart Electrical Vehicles fleet management, integration of EVs in micro-grids, and specialized IT solutions for EVs. A large and growing market potential is predicted for such services, as new technical developments (e.g. SmartGrid, decentralized power generation, inductive charging) and an increasing number of EVs and EV fleets create a demand for such services to match the complexity of the technical and economic issues involved. The objective of the project is to leverage knowledge, expertise, and tools developed in the participating partners to support the establishment of profitable, customer-oriented technical and economic consulting services.

Project partners

DFKI, Alcatel Lucent, TU Berlin, Siemens, EITICT GmbH, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, University of Trento, KTH, Institut Telecom

How to participate?

You can participate at the event face-to-face or remotely. 
Due to organisational reasons, number of participants is limited.

In order to join the event, please contact Co-Location Centre or local project coordinator.

Trento: Fabrizo Granelli
Stockholm: Stockholm CLC
Berlin: Berlin CLC


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Co-Funded by the European Union